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[891] 1.01ベースのベータ
日時: 2008/05/22 21:39
名前: きりしま◆.CzKQna1OU ID:0F5dmwyU



GUI Improved: task category will display "empty" when not set
GUI Improved: whether to search for mirrors when add new HTTP task can be set as default setting
GUI Improved: new option for preview window: keep aspect ratio of video
GUI Improved: new switch button in toolbar of preview window: skip undownloaded range or waiting for buffering
GUI Bugfix: user name and password in HTTP/FTP task properties dialog do not take effect
Core Improved: Long-Time Seeding can download file boundary data for BT task, where one piece containing multi files
Core Improved: when select part files of a BT task to download, the file boundary data will be saved in taskname.piece_part.bc!
Core Improved: enhance virus protect auto-config
Core Improved: support TCP half-open patch for Windows XP SP3
Core Improved: FireFox extension support FireFox 3.0

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[20080527] ( No.2 )
日時: 2008/05/28 12:20
名前: 町田 ID:0krzQWDg

Beta [20080527]が出ましたね。

GUI Improved: removw server mode option in advanced netword settings
GUI Bugfix: auto check network status option cannoot be saved
GUI Bugfix: about dialog error
GUI Bugfix: program may crash if close main window before close software update prompt dialog
Core Bugfix: error occurs when connect to certain trackers: "Tracker Reture Zero Length Response"
Core Bugfix: EVENT_COMPLETE should be sent to tacker only when all files in BT task downloaded, not only selected

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