- 日時: 2009/01/08 23:41
- 名前: きりしま◆.CzKQna1OU ID:s6/3SmJE
- あとで訳してみますが、
Torrent アーカイブなどの扱いが地味に改良されている感じです。
GUI Improved: add filter by file type to file list in BT task properties dialog GUI Improved: display torrent create software and create date display BT task properties dialog GUI Improved: support to add mirror URL manually in HTTP task properties dialog GUI Improved: move the option of "power off or standby after download finish" from option dialog to Tools menu GUI Improved: remove toolkit VistaTcpPatch.exe, merged into main program GUI Improved: open torrent file directly if existed in torrent archive when open BC link GUI Improved: show task archive and torrent collection immediately after program startup, without pending load GUI Improved: improve the item number info in status bar when filter the torrent archive and torrent collection GUI Improved: append new torrent to the bottom of torrent archive or torrent collection list GUI Improved: remove old torrent from the top of torrent collection list, when the torrent number reaches the max number GUI Improved: new download status icon in torrent archive list, to indicate the task download finished GUI Improved: add "open save folder" command to the context menu of torrent archive list, available after task download finished GUI Improved: add "Unhide all" command to the context menu of torrent collection list GUI Improved: hit Del to delete selected items in torrent archive list, or block selected items in torrent collection list GUI Bugfix: when the item in torrent archive or torrent collection has no snapshot, click the empty snapshot icon area will open invalid webpage Core Bugfix: user name and password info filled in HTTP task don't take effect if reference page not filled