[492] ISPからメールが来ました。
- 日時: 2007/11/13 17:10
- 名前: pom
- 【OS/サービスパック 】 XPPro/SP2
【BitCometのバージョン】 0.90
【プロバイダー】BIGLOBE 【回線種別】光 【実効速度】100Mbps 【利用地域】東京
平素はBIGLOBEをご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 BIGLOBEカスタマーサポート村越と申します。
今回お客様にご連絡いたしましたのは、お客様のインターネットご利用に関し てお願いするためです。 The Entertainment Software Association 様より、 「『Medal Of Honor Heroes [JPN][UMDRip][Japanese][PSP][www.emwreloaded.com].rar』 のデータがインターネット上でpeer-to-peer方式にてやり取りされたことによ り著作権が侵害された」 との申告がBIGLOBEカスタマーサポートに届いています。
申告者からご連絡いただきました日時およびIPアドレスの情報から調査した 結果、お客様のユーザIDにてインターネットに接続されていることが判明い たしました。
事実であれば、このようなデータをやり取りする行為は、BIGLOBEサービス会員 規約第24条(会員の義務)第1項(4)「他の会員、当社または第三者の著 作権その他の知的財産権を侵害する行為」あるいは(16)「その他前各号に 該当するおそれのある行為またはこれに類する行為」に該当いたしますので、 前述のデータを削除し、削除終了した旨のご返信をいただければ幸いです。
また、著作権侵害につきましては、賠償責任を問われるだけでなく、刑事責任 を追及されることもありますのでお知らせいたします。
というメールが来ました。 賠償責任とか刑事責任とか追及されるのって本当ですか? そのあと英語の文章がズラズラーと かいてあるのですが。 こちらです。
Entertainment Software Association 575 7th Street, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20004 USA
Attention: Intellectual Property Enforcement Telephone: 202-223-2400 E-mail: mailto:esa@copyright-compliance.com?subject=RE%3A%20Notice%20ID%3A%20182%2D11948771%20ESA%20Foreign%20Notice
5 Nov 2007 20:24:19 GMT
ISP: NEC Corporation ESA Reference Number: 182-11948771 IP Address: .......... Date of Infringement: 4 Nov 2007 07:07:51 GMT
Dear NEC Corporation:
The Entertainment Software Association (窶廢SA窶?) is a U.S. trade association that represents the intellectual property interests of numerous companies that publish interactive games for video game consoles, personal computers, handheld devices and the Internet in the United States and in other countries (collectively referred to as 窶廢SA members窶?). ESA is authorized to act on behalf of ESA members whose copyright and other intellectual property rights it believes to be infringed as described herein.
ESA is providing this letter of notification to make NEC Corporation aware that the IP Address identified below is using the services and systems of NEC Corporation to infringe the exclusive copyright and other rights of one or more ESA members. This notice is addressed to you as the agent designated by NEC Corporation to receive notifications of claimed infringement.
Through the Berne Convention and other international treaties covering intellectual property rights, ESA believes that its members窶? rights in such entertainment software products are entitled to the full protection of the intellectual property law as well as other relevant laws of your country.
Based on the information at its disposal on 4 Nov 2007 07:07:51 GMT, ESA has a good faith belief that the subscriber using the IP address is infringing the copyright rights of one or more ESA members by copying and distributing unauthorized copies of game products (through peer-to-peer or similar software/services), in violation of applicable copyright laws, through internet access that NEC Corporation provides directly to the or through a downstream provider that purchases this access for The copyrighted works that have been infringed include but are not limited to:
Title: Medal of Honor Infringement Source: BitTorrent Infringement Timestamp: 4 Nov 2007 07:07:51 GMT Infringement Last Documented: 4 Nov 2007 07:07:51 GMT Infringer Username: Infringing Filename: Medal Of Honor Heroes [JPN][UMDRip][Japanese][PSP][www.emwreloaded.com].rar Infringing Filesize: 292046979 Infringer IP Address: .......... Infringer DNS Name: FLH1Agx233.tky.mesh.ad.jp Infringing URL:
The unauthorized copies of game product are listed and/or identified thereon by their titles or variations thereof, game-related listings/references/descriptions, or depictions of game-related artwork. Such copies, titles, game-related listings/references/descriptions, depictions, and material that is the subject of infringing activities are hereinafter referred to as "Infringing Material.窶?
Given this infringing activity by, the ESA urges NEC Corporation to cooperate with its efforts to protect the intellectual property rights of its members companies and immediately do the following:
1. Notify the account holder of the Infringing Material. 2. Remove, or disable access to, the Infringing Material detailed above. 3. Take appropriate action against the account holder under your Abuse Policy/Terms of Service Agreement, including termination of a repeat offender.
Please inform us whether you will remove or disable access to the Infringing Material as requested. NEC Corporation or the account holder may contact ESA at the above-listed contact details, with email preferred. Please include the above-noted Reference Number in the subject line of all email correspondence.
Thank you for your cooperation and prompt response in this matter.
Intellectual Property Enforcement Entertainment Software Association